Shelley Jackson-Woodall
Director, Trainer & Membership Support
Hi, I’m Shelley, trainer and co-director of The Celebrant Circle, and a busy and successful celebrant in the West Midlands. I write, curate and deliver weddings, funerals and memorial ceremonies. I have been working for several years and, from the outset, believed in community and collaboration within the celebrant world. I am lucky to have a great support network of celebrants around me.
I initially trained with the thought of doing only celebratory services, full of love and glitter, but I have found a deep connection in funeral work. My passion is in death education; although it may sound morbid, I assure you it is not. knowledge is power.Â
When I’m not writing ceremonies, training new celebrants, booking professional development sessions for our members or running sessions, I may be enjoying a show at the theatre, booking my next holiday or gardening. I am usually reading at least four books at a time, or listening to Steven Bartlett’s podcast on Spotify. I do enjoy a good series on television, too. I love Schitts Creek and have watched it over 7 times.Â
 I have an interesting career, beginning with training to be a Nursery Nurse, and working with under-fives in a variety of roles, including supporting and advising on additional needs in a nursery setting. I have worked in charities for children and families and have supported families through times of crisis by training and supporting volunteers in a home setting. I have also worked in HR, marketing and public speaking. These jobs have developed many transferable skills that I now use in my celebrancy role.Â
I am passionate about collaboration over competition, and I love supporting celebrants as they navigate their individual celebrant journeys. My experience and passion for training and developing others comes from my educational background, and from supporting small businesses that have set up in my community. I champion Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity and work hard to be an informed ally - something the CIrcle is committed to and passionate about.Â
As a trainer and mentor, I will love being your cheerleader!
Welcome to the Celebrant Circle.Â